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Prof. Dr. Martin Schramm

Wissenschaftliche Leitung

ITC2+ 1.04


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

The Benefits of Combining Trusted Computing with Virtualization Techniques.

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 2010.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

The Benefits of Combining Trusted Computing with Virtualization Techniques.

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 08.-09.09.2010.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba
  • et al.

Utilizing a State-of-the-art Trust Anchor in Order to Increase the Trustworthiness of Embedded Platforms.

Nürnberg 2011.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

Trustworthy Building Blocks for a More Secure Embedded Computing Environment.

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 2011.


  • Karl Leidl
  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

The Establishment of High Degrees of Trust in a Linux Environment.

Nürnberg 28.02.-01.03.2012.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

Reconfigurable Trust for Embedded Computing Platforms.

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 05.-06.09.2012.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

On the Implementation of a Lightweight Generic FPGA ECC Crypto-Core over GF(p).

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 2013.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

On the Implementation of an Efficient Multiplier Logic for FPGA-based Cryptographic Applications.

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 2013.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Karl Leidl
  • Andreas Grzemba
  • N. Kuntze

Enhanced Embedded Device Security by Combining Hardware-Based Trust Mechanisms. Poster-Session.

Berlin 04.-08.11.2013.


  • Martin Schramm

Embedded Trusted Computing on ARM-based Systems.

Hagenberg im Mühlkreis, Österreich 09.-10.04.2014.


  • Martin Schramm
  • Andreas Grzemba

Trusted Computing Concepts for Resilient Embedded Networks. International Workshop on Engineering Cyber Security and Resilience.

  • Stanford University.

Stanford, CA, USA Mai 2014.


  • Martin Schramm

Resilience in Embedded Industrial Networks.

Barcelona, Spanien Juni 2014.


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Michael Heigl
  • Martin Schramm
  • Laurin Dörr
  • Andreas Grzemba

Embedded Plug-In Devices to Secure Industrial Network Communications.


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Laurin Dörr
  • D. Fiala
  • Michael Heigl
  • Martin Schramm

Assessment simulation model for uncoupled message authentication.

  • In:
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

DOI: 10.23919/AE.2017.8053580


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Martin Schramm
  • R. Dojen
  • Michael Heigl

Experimental assessment of FIRO- and GARO-based noise sources for digital TRNG designs on FPGAs.

  • In:
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

pg. 1-6

DOI: 10.23919/AE.2017.8053618


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Michael Heigl
  • Laurin Dörr
  • Amar Almaini
  • D. Fiala
  • Martin Schramm

Incident Reaction Based on Intrusion Detections’ Alert Analysis.

  • In:
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

pg. 1-6

DOI: 10.23919/AE.2018.8501419


  • Martin Schramm
  • R. Dojen
  • Michael Heigl

A Vendor-Neutral Unified Core for Cryptographic Operations in GF(p) and GF( 2m ) Based on Montgomery Arithmetic (Article ID 4983404).

In: Security and Communication Networks , pg. 1-18


DOI: 10.1155/2018/4983404

In the emerging IoT ecosystem in which the internetworking will reach a totally new dimension the crucial role of efficient security solutions for embedded devices will be without controversy. Typically IoT-enabled devices are equipped with integrated circuits, such as ASICs or FPGAs to achieve highly specific tasks. Such devices must have cryptographic layers implemented and must be able to access cryptographic functions for encrypting/decrypting and signing/verifying data using various algorithms and generate true random numbers, random primes, and cryptographic keys. In the context of a limited amount of resources that typical IoT devices will exhibit, due to energy efficiency requirements, efficient hardware structures in terms of time, area, and power consumption must be deployed. In this paper, we describe a scalable word-based multivendor-capable cryptographic core, being able to perform arithmetic operations in prime and binary extension finite fields based on Montgomery Arithmetic. The functional range comprises the calculation of modular additions and subtractions, the determination of the Montgomery Parameters, and the execution of Montgomery Multiplications and Montgomery Exponentiations. A prototype implementation of the adaptable arithmetic core is detailed. Furthermore, the decomposition of cryptographic algorithms to be used together with the proposed core is stated and a performance analysis is given.
  • Martin Schramm

A Practical Introduction to Cryptographic Engineering. [Invited Talk; eingeladen von Dalibor Fiala (PhD)].

  • University of West Bohemia.

Pilsen, Tschechische Republik 14.12.2018.


  • Michael Heigl
  • Laurin Dörr
  • Nicolas Tiefnig
  • D. Fiala
  • Martin Schramm

A Resource-Preserving Self-Regulating Uncoupled MAC Algorithm to be Applied in Incident Detection.

In: Computers & Security (vol. 85) , pg. 270-285


DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2019.05.010

The connectivity of embedded systems is increasing accompanied with thriving technology such as Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/E), Connected Cars, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, 5G or Software-Defined Everything. Apart from the benefits of these trends, the continuous networking offers hackers a broad spectrum of attack vectors. The identification of attacks or unknown behavior through Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) has established itself as a conducive and mandatory mechanism apart from the protection by cryptographic schemes in a holistic security eco-system. In systems where resources are valuable goods and stand in contrast to the ever increasing amount of network traffic, sampling has become a useful utility in order to detect malicious activities on a manageable amount of data. In this work an algorithm – Uncoupled MAC – is presented which secures network communication through a cryptographic scheme by uncoupled Message Authentication Codes (MAC) but as a side effect also provides IDS functionality producing alarms based on the violation of Uncoupled MAC values. Through a novel self-regulation extension, the algorithm adapts it’s sampling parameters based on the detection of malicious actions. The evaluation in a virtualized environment clearly shows that the detection rate increases over runtime for different attack scenarios. Those even cover scenarios in which intelligent attackers try to exploit the downsides of sampling.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Laurin Dörr
  • Michael Heigl
  • D. Fiala
  • Martin Schramm

Comparison of Energy-Efficient Key Management Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks.

pg. 21-26

DOI: 10.1145/3343147.3343156


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Robert Wildenauer
  • Karl Leidl
  • Martin Schramm

Hacking an optics manufacturing machine: You don't see it coming?!.

  • In:
  • Rolf Rascher
  • Christian Schopf

Bellingham, WA, USA pg. 11171071-11171076

DOI: 10.1117/12.2526691


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Michael Heigl
  • Martin Schramm
  • D. Fiala

A Lightweight Quantum-Safe Security Concept for Wireless Sensor Network Communication.

pg. 906-911

DOI: 10.1109/PERCOMW.2019.8730749


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Amar Almaini
  • A. Al Dubai
  • I. Romdhani
  • Martin Schramm

Delegation of Authentication to the Data Plane in Software Defined Networks.

pg. 58-65

DOI: 10.1109/IUCC/DSCI/SmartCNS.2019.00038


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Michael Heigl
  • Laurin Dörr
  • Martin Schramm
  • D. Fiala

On the Energy Consumption of Quantum-resistant Cryptographic Software Implementations Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks.

pg. 72-83

DOI: 10.5220/0007835600720083


  • Amar Almaini
  • A. Al Dubai
  • I. Romdhani
  • Martin Schramm
  • A. Alsarhan

Lightweight edge authentication for software defined networks.

In: Computing (Special Issue)


DOI: 10.1007/s00607-020-00835-4

OpenFlow is considered as the most known protocol for Software Defined Networking (SDN). The main drawback of OpenFlow is the lack of support of new header definitions, which is required by network operators to apply new packet encapsulations. While SDN’s logically centralized control plane could enhance network security by providing global visibility of the network state, it still has many side effects. The intelligent controllers that orchestrate the dumb switches are overloaded and become prone to failure. Delegating some level of control logic to the edge or, to be precise, the switches can offload the controllers from local state based decisions that do not require global network wide knowledge. Thus, this paper, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to propose the delegation of typical security functions from specialized middleboxes to the data plane. We leverage the opportunities offered by programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) language to present two authentication techniques to assure that only legitimate nodes are able to access the network. The first technique is the port knocking and the second technique is the One-Time Password. Our experimental results indicate that our proposed techniques improve the network overall availability by offloading the controller as well as reducing the traffic in the network without noticeable negative impact on switches’ performance.
  • Michael Heigl
  • Kumar Anand
  • Andreas Urmann
  • D. Fiala
  • Martin Schramm
  • Robert Hable

On the Improvement of the Isolation Forest Algorithm for Outlier Detection with Streaming Data.

In: Electronics (vol. 10) , pg. 1534


DOI: 10.3390/electronics10131534

In recent years, detecting anomalies in real-world computer networks has become a more and more challenging task due to the steady increase of high-volume, high-speed and high-dimensional streaming data, for which ground truth information is not available. Efficient detection schemes applied on networked embedded devices need to be fast and memory-constrained, and must be capable of dealing with concept drifts when they occur. Different approaches for unsupervised online outlier detection have been designed to deal with these circumstances in order to reliably detect malicious activity. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework called PCB-iForest, which generalized, is able to incorporate any ensemble-based online OD method to function on streaming data. Carefully engineered requirements are compared to the most popular state-of-the-art online methods with an in-depth focus on variants based on the widely accepted isolation forest algorithm, thereby highlighting the lack of a flexible and efficient solution which is satisfied by PCB-iForest. Therefore, we integrate two variants into PCB-iForest—an isolation forest improvement called extended isolation forest and a classic isolation forest variant equipped with the functionality to score features according to their contributions to a sample’s anomalousness. Extensive experiments were performed on 23 different multi-disciplinary and security-related real-world datasets in order to comprehensively evaluate the performance of our implementation compared with off-the-shelf methods. The discussion of results, including AUC, F1 score and averaged execution time metric, shows that PCB-iForest clearly outperformed the state-of-the-art competitors in 61% of cases and even achieved more promising results in terms of the tradeoff between classification and computational costs.
  • Michael Heigl
  • Enrico Weigelt
  • Andreas Urmann
  • D. Fiala
  • Martin Schramm

Exploiting the Outcome of Outlier Detection for Novel Attack Pattern Recognition on Streaming Data.

In: Electronics (vol. 10) , pg. 2160


DOI: 10.3390/electronics10172160

Future-oriented networking infrastructures are characterized by highly dynamic Streaming Data (SD) whose volume, speed and number of dimensions increased significantly over the past couple of years, energized by trends such as Software-Defined Networking or Artificial Intelligence. As an essential core component of network security, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) help to uncover malicious activity. In particular, consecutively applied alert correlation methods can aid in mining attack patterns based on the alerts generated by IDS. However, most of the existing methods lack the functionality to deal with SD data affected by the phenomenon called concept drift and are mainly designed to operate on the output from signature-based IDS. Although unsupervised Outlier Detection (OD) methods have the ability to detect yet unknown attacks, most of the alert correlation methods cannot handle the outcome of such anomaly-based IDS. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework called Streaming Outlier Analysis and Attack Pattern Recognition, denoted as SOAAPR, which is able to process the output of various online unsupervised OD methods in a streaming fashion to extract information about novel attack patterns. Three different privacy-preserving, fingerprint-like signatures are computed from the clustered set of correlated alerts by SOAAPR, which characterizes and represents the potential attack scenarios with respect to their communication relations, their manifestation in the data’s features and their temporal behavior. Beyond the recognition of known attacks, comparing derived signatures, they can be leveraged to find similarities between yet unknown and novel attack patterns. The evaluation, which is split into two parts, takes advantage of attack scenarios from the widely-used and popular CICIDS2017 and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 datasets. Firstly, the streaming alert correlation capability is evaluated on CICIDS2017 and compared to a state-of-the-art offline algorithm, called Graph-based Alert Correlation (GAC), which has the potential to deal with the outcome of anomaly-based IDS. Secondly, the three types of signatures are computed from attack scenarios in the datasets and compared to each other. The discussion of results, on the one hand, shows that SOAAPR can compete with GAC in terms of alert correlation capability leveraging four different metrics and outperforms it significantly in terms of processing time by an average factor of 70 in 11 attack scenarios. On the other hand, in most cases, all three types of signatures seem to reliably characterize attack scenarios such that similar ones are grouped together, with up to 99.05% similarity between the FTP and SSH Patator attack.
  • Michael Heigl
  • Enrico Weigelt
  • D. Fiala
  • Martin Schramm

Unsupervised Feature Selection for Outlier Detection on Streaming Data to Enhance Network Security.

In: Applied Sciences (vol. 11) , pg. 12073


DOI: 10.3390/app112412073

Over the past couple of years, machine learning methods—especially the outlier detection ones—have anchored in the cybersecurity field to detect network-based anomalies rooted in novel attack patterns. However, the ubiquity of massive continuously generated data streams poses an enormous challenge to efficient detection schemes and demands fast, memory-constrained online algorithms that are capable to deal with concept drifts. Feature selection plays an important role when it comes to improve outlier detection in terms of identifying noisy data that contain irrelevant or redundant features. State-of-the-art work either focuses on unsupervised feature selection for data streams or (offline) outlier detection. Substantial requirements to combine both fields are derived and compared with existing approaches. The comprehensive review reveals a research gap in unsupervised feature selection for the improvement of outlier detection methods in data streams. Thus, a novel algorithm for Unsupervised Feature Selection for Streaming Outlier Detection, denoted as UFSSOD, will be proposed, which is able to perform unsupervised feature selection for the purpose of outlier detection on streaming data. Furthermore, it is able to determine the amount of top-performing features by clustering their score values. A generic concept that shows two application scenarios of UFSSOD in conjunction with off-the-shell online outlier detection algorithms has been derived. Extensive experiments have shown that a promising feature selection mechanism for streaming data is not applicable in the field of outlier detection. Moreover, UFSSOD, as an online capable algorithm, yields comparable results to a state-of-the-art offline method trimmed for outlier detection. V
Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Amar Almaini
  • Jakob Folz
  • D. Wölfl
  • A. Al Dubai
  • Martin Schramm
  • Michael Heigl

A New Scalable Distributed Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for High Computational Complexity Models.

DOI: 10.1109/IWCMC58020.2023.10183131


  • Robert Aufschläger
  • Jakob Folz
  • E. März
  • J. Guggumos
  • Michael Heigl
  • B. Buchner
  • Martin Schramm

Anonymization Procedures for Tabular Data: An Explanatory Technical and Legal Synthesis.

In: Information (vol. 14) , pg. 487


DOI: 10.3390/info14090487

In the European Union, Data Controllers and Data Processors, who work with personal data, have to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable laws. This affects the storing and processing of personal data. But some data processing in data mining or statistical analyses does not require any personal reference to the data. Thus, personal context can be removed. For these use cases, to comply with applicable laws, any existing personal information has to be removed by applying the so-called anonymization. However, anonymization should maintain data utility. Therefore, the concept of anonymization is a double-edged sword with an intrinsic trade-off: privacy enforcement vs. utility preservation. The former might not be entirely guaranteed when anonymized data are published as Open Data. In theory and practice, there exist diverse approaches to conduct and score anonymization. This explanatory synthesis discusses the technical perspectives on the anonymization of tabular data with a special emphasis on the European Union’s legal base. The studied methods for conducting anonymization, and scoring the anonymization procedure and the resulting anonymity are explained in unifying terminology. The examined methods and scores cover both categorical and numerical data. The examined scores involve data utility, information preservation, and privacy models. In practice-relevant examples, methods and scores are experimentally tested on records from the UCI Machine Learning Repository’s “Census Income (Adult)” dataset.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Amar Almaini
  • Tobias Koßmann
  • Jakob Folz
  • Martin Schramm
  • Michael Heigl
  • A. Al Dubai

Integrating Reality: A Hybrid SDN Testbed for Enhanced Realism in Edge Computing Simulations.



Institut ProtectIT




  • Angewandte Kryptographie (ECC, PBC, PQC)
    • Elliptische Kurven Kryptographie
    • Paarungsbasierte Kryptographie
    • Post-Quanten-Kryptographie
    • Leichtgewichtige Kryptographie
  • Distributed-Ledger-Technologien
  • FPGA-Programmierung
  • Sicherheitsaspekte im Bereich autonomes Fahren
  • Security Mechanismen in industriellen Netzwerken
  • Trusted Computing Technologien (TPM, TNC)


  • seit 2017: Leitung des Institut ProtectIT - Protection for Industrial Technologies
  • seit 2017: Professor an der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf, Fakultät Angewandte Informatik
  • seit 2014: Freier Mitarbeiter für die ProtectEM GmbH
  • 2012 - 2016: Kooperative Promotion, University of Limerick, Irland
  • 2010 – 2011: Masterstudium Master’s Degree by Research an Thesis, University of Limerick, Irland, Studienabschluss: M.Eng.
  • 2006 - 2010: Bachelorstudium Mechatronik (Schwerpunkt Mechatronische Systeme), Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Deggendorf, Studienabschluss: B.Eng.


  • Wissenschaftlicher Leiter Institut ProtectIT
  • Studiengangskoordinator des Bachelorstudiengangs Cyber Security
  • Mitglied der Prüfungskommission Weiterbildungszentrum